March 15, 2025
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This evil eye bracelet is said to offer protection to the wearer from spirits and bad luck. Its eye symbol possesses the dual power of warding off harm while simultaneously supplying the wearer with strength. Across numerous cultures, it is a common practice to don this talisman for good luck or to provide a shield against malevolent forces.

The Evil Eye itself, as we learned, is a form of protection. The most popular colour of Evil Eye jewellery is of course the Blue Evil Eye. The blue colour symbolizes karma protection, peace, and a hope for a broadened perspective.

Celebrated as one of the most powerful crystals for rinsing the body of toxic vibes most associated with fear and guilt, Sodalite pushes you higher to claim that confidence clarity and emotional intelligence that is needed for enhancing self-trust. As mentioned, this is a stone that wants you to not just survive – but to fully thrive to the best of your being.

Emotional Healing Properties

Logic, truth and inner peace pave the way for wonderful emotional wellbeing with the Sodalite stone. Being connected to the heart means that all those who sport Sodalite can feel the calming touch of this crystal. When the clouds of the mind are cleared away, this leaves time and space for logical thinking and problem solving that doesn’t come from a pit of despair. Those who are planning the steps to take in life come to understand that it doesn’t matter if the glass is half full or half empty because the glass is always refillable. Also called The Poet’s Stone, Sodalite invites you to see the beauty in life and to communicate this grace in the most eloquent of ways. For writers, it is a striking stone to bring to the table as it encourages you to pick up a pen and let it flow. It’s an amazing stone for being a muse especially if you pair it with its favorite creative friends like Lapis Lazuli, Aquamarine and other such shimmering and mystical minded blue stones.

Sodalite also has a penchant for positive thinking and invites all those who wear it to see the best in people. Like a beautiful blue washed-out sky after the storm, Sodalite is that big deep breath after the rain has passed, when you feel still and soft and born again. If you find the world is too temperamental for your soul, Sodalite could be the emotional anchor you need.

Spiritual Healing Properties

Sodalite is linked to the throat chakra, but it also has connections with the heart and the third eye chakra. It’s a highly spiritual stone that invites the wearer to strengthen their connections so they feel the grounding force of the earth beneath their feet, even when turning their eyes to look higher into the heavens above.

Sodalite is said to tap into the pituitary gland which taps into spiritual perception and serves as the gateway to enlightenment. Lofty perceptions aside, we all know that the path to higher thinking comes from deeply knowing oneself and having the wisdom to see deep into your own soul so you can live out all your days in authentic truth. Using Sodalite when playing around with your tarot pack also helps your own spiritual foresight unfold. It’s a gemstone ripe with crystal healing and can help you tap into those stashed away psychic abilities.

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