Does Sangoma Really Work?
Does sangomas in southern Africa work? OK let us say does really Native Healers Really work? A lot of people are roaming around with everything they hear from friends, from family members and others have witnessed some incidences .Does all these truth?! some people say sangoma to don’t exists any more, other people say sangomas with muthi don’t work at all others are saying if you get a sangoma that really work he or she can help BUT what does Dr Abalo as A sangoma has to say? “I will say sangomas these days are difficult to get a sangoma that really work with a strong African muthi is really very hard to find, so if you get one consider yourself to be lucky. Sangomas who does really work are still existing so it’s not true to say we don’t have sangomas who does really work anymore! The problem is that we have got a problem of any increasing number of sangomas and that brings in fake sangomas who really don’t have knowledge about African traditional healing and it’s very difficult for some to identify a real sangoma from a fake one since all we don’t have insumba (shrine). The advice can give you i mean the person whose is looking for a real traditional healer, A REAL Native Healer, or REAL sangoma speak to your elders in the village possibly they know some sangomas who have been working for a long period of time or in case if you need to refer you to any sangoma i personally know around your village.